Blog with Hobbymart

Discover how arts come alive at Little India & Kampong Glam Street ART. Little India is popular with visitors to Singapore who can’t get enough of how ‘un-Singaporean’ this Indian heritage district is – Singapore’s legendary orderliness and neat grids of tall buildings give way to a more hodgepodge, bustling and colorful area of low shophouses and the perpetual scent of spices, flowers and delicious food scents in the air. In recent years, Little India has also become a prime area for murals and street art in Singapore. I’ve put together this detailed guide on where to find all the street art in Little India as you visit its popular attractions. Kampong Glam or Kampong Gelam is known as the heritage Arab/Muslim quarter in Singapore and one of my places to find street art in Singapore. It’s home to the beautiful Sultan Mosque and has quite an unusual mishmash of cloth merchants, Middle Eastern restaurants and hipster shops all rolled into one heritage district, and it’s also one of the few places in Singapore where you can find more graffiti styles of street art instead of just murals.

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